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Delivering for Dublin

Since the Local Elections on June 7th, I have been working with Dublin City Councillors from my own party in Fine Gael, and from the Greens, Fianna Fáil and Labour to secure an agreement as to how best we can, collectively deliver for Dubliners.

We have reached an agreement that seeks to deliver better council services which in turn will help clean up Dublin, tackle housing supply and maintenance challenges, upgrade our roads and footpaths, improve the availability of sporting and recreational facilities and enhance road and pedestrian safety across the city.

The agreement is based on transparency, openness and honesty and I look forward to working with colleagues on all sides to deliver for the #NorthInnerCity #Dubliners all across this city over the next five years.

A copy of the four party agreement is available here:

raymcadam View All

Fine Gael Councillor - North Inner City

Chair, Urban Form & Planning Strategic Policy Committee

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